Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by gel combustion of a new nano sized Co3O4/ZnO composite [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 271-281]
Adsorption Cd+2
A Quantum, NBO, RDG study the interaction of cadmium ion with the pristine, C, P and C&P; doped (4,4) armchair boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 262-270]
Silica supported-boron sulfonic acid: a versatile and reusable catalyst for synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane in solvent free and room temperature conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 11-18]
Aloe vera
Effect of Aloe vera on synthesis of nano Tin (iv) oxide [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 115-121]
Artemisia abrotanum
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Association constant
Thermodynamic Parameters for solvation of Copper sulphate in (ethanol-water) mixed solvent at different temperatures [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Banhatti index
Mathematical Properties and Computations of Banahatti indices for a Nano-Structure "Toroidal Polyhex Network" [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 47-51]
Benzothiazole derivatives
One Pot synthesis of 2-substituted benzothiazoles catalyzed by Bi2O3 nanoparticles [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 135-142]
Binary Mixed solvents
Thermodynamic Parameters for solvation of Copper sulphate in (ethanol-water) mixed solvent at different temperatures [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Polyacronitrile Ultra Filtration Membranes Used for Separation of Glycerol from Transesterification Process of Biodiesel production. [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 157-165]
Production of methyl ester biofuel from sunflower oil via transesterification reaction [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 52-55]
Biological synthesis
Green synthesis of nanosilver particles from extract of Dracocephalum Lindbergii [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 19-24]
Silica supported-boron sulfonic acid: a versatile and reusable catalyst for synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane in solvent free and room temperature conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 11-18]
A Quantum, NBO, RDG study the interaction of cadmium ion with the pristine, C, P and C&P; doped (4,4) armchair boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 262-270]
Bond formation
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Boron Sulfonic Acid
Silica supported-boron sulfonic acid: a versatile and reusable catalyst for synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane in solvent free and room temperature conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 11-18]
Synthesis of γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Catalytic activity of Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reactions [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 172-182]
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu/Cu-Based Electrodes: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 183-224]
Catalyzed and Nano-particles
One Pot synthesis of 2-substituted benzothiazoles catalyzed by Bi2O3 nanoparticles [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 135-142]
C-C coupling
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Synthesis of γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Catalytic activity of Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reactions [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 172-182]
Ultra-sensitive electrochemical on-line determination of Clarithromycin based on Poly(L-Aspartic Acid)/Graphite Oxide/Pristine Graphene/Glassy Carbon Electrode [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-73]
Simulation and Characterization of PIN Photodiode for Photonic Applications [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 122-134]
CO2 reduction
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu/Cu-Based Electrodes: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 183-224]
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
The study of range-scaling transformation of nanoparticle compounds on thin films of gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles by molecular modeling [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Conducting polymers
Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Devices (Review) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 90-103]
Copper electrode
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu/Cu-Based Electrodes: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 183-224]
Co-precipitation method
Synthesis of γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Catalytic activity of Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reactions [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 172-182]
Cost Effective
Superhydrophobic Surface Based Silica Nanoparticle Modified With Diisocyanate and Short and Long Normal Chain Alcohols [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 74-80]
Cyclic Voltammetry
Interaction Parameters for CuCl2 Plus Orange G (OG) at 19.1oC Using Carbon Glassy Electrode (CGE) in KCl Aqueous Solutions [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 225-233]
Cyclic Voltammetry
Thermodynamic data (Voltammetrically) Estimated for the Interaction of Nano Cadmium Chloride (Ncc) with Isatin Using Glassy Carbon Electrode [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 282-293]
Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Studying Volumetric Behavior of Binary mixtures Containing Normal Alkanols [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 166-171]
A Quantum, NBO, RDG study the interaction of cadmium ion with the pristine, C, P and C&P; doped (4,4) armchair boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 262-270]
Dracocephalum lindbergii
Green synthesis of nanosilver particles from extract of Dracocephalum Lindbergii [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 19-24]
Energy density
Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Devices (Review) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 90-103]
Flourine Free
Superhydrophobic Surface Based Silica Nanoparticle Modified With Diisocyanate and Short and Long Normal Chain Alcohols [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 74-80]
Effect of Aloe vera on synthesis of nano Tin (iv) oxide [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 115-121]
Gel combustion
Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by gel combustion of a new nano sized Co3O4/ZnO composite [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 271-281]
Polyacronitrile Ultra Filtration Membranes Used for Separation of Glycerol from Transesterification Process of Biodiesel production. [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 157-165]
Gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles
The study of range-scaling transformation of nanoparticle compounds on thin films of gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles by molecular modeling [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Grafted Modification
Superhydrophobic Surface Based Silica Nanoparticle Modified With Diisocyanate and Short and Long Normal Chain Alcohols [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 74-80]
Theoretical insights of the electronic structures, conductivity, and aromaticiy of Graphyne and Si-doped Graphynes [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 234-243]
Green nanoscience
Green synthesis of nanosilver particles from extract of Dracocephalum Lindbergii [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 19-24]
Green synthesis
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Green synthesis
Promising anti-inflammatory bio-efficacy of saponin loaded silver nanoparticles prepared from the plant Madhuca longifolia [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 244-261]
Hydrothermal method
Facile green synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots from citrus lemon juice for live cell imaging [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 36-46]
Silica supported-boron sulfonic acid: a versatile and reusable catalyst for synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane in solvent free and room temperature conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 11-18]
Ion-pair association Constants
Thermodynamic Parameters for solvation of Copper sulphate in (ethanol-water) mixed solvent at different temperatures [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Isatin (Isa)
Thermodynamic data (Voltammetrically) Estimated for the Interaction of Nano Cadmium Chloride (Ncc) with Isatin Using Glassy Carbon Electrode [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 282-293]
I-V characteristics
Simulation and Characterization of PIN Photodiode for Photonic Applications [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 122-134]
Kewords: Superhydrophobic
Superhydrophobic Surface Based Silica Nanoparticle Modified With Diisocyanate and Short and Long Normal Chain Alcohols [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 74-80]
Theoretical analysis of the retention behavior of pesticides and active pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater and river waters in liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 25-35]
Lead removal
Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by gel combustion of a new nano sized Co3O4/ZnO composite [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 271-281]
Levenberg-Marquardt artificial neural network
The study of range-scaling transformation of nanoparticle compounds on thin films of gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles by molecular modeling [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Limiting molar conductance
Thermodynamic Parameters for solvation of Copper sulphate in (ethanol-water) mixed solvent at different temperatures [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Madhuca longifolia
Promising anti-inflammatory bio-efficacy of saponin loaded silver nanoparticles prepared from the plant Madhuca longifolia [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 244-261]
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu/Cu-Based Electrodes: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 183-224]
Methyl ester
Production of methyl ester biofuel from sunflower oil via transesterification reaction [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 52-55]
Study of molybdenum effect on synthesis behavior of nanocrystalline NiAl intermetallic during mechanical alloying [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 143-156]
Nanoparticle compounds
The study of range-scaling transformation of nanoparticle compounds on thin films of gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles by molecular modeling [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Nanosized Co3O4/ZnO
Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by gel combustion of a new nano sized Co3O4/ZnO composite [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 271-281]
Green synthesis of nanosilver particles from extract of Dracocephalum Lindbergii [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 19-24]
Study of molybdenum effect on synthesis behavior of nanocrystalline NiAl intermetallic during mechanical alloying [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 143-156]
Nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS)
Theoretical insights of the electronic structures, conductivity, and aromaticiy of Graphyne and Si-doped Graphynes [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 234-243]
Organic contaminants
Theoretical analysis of the retention behavior of pesticides and active pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater and river waters in liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 25-35]
PC-SAFT model
Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Studying Volumetric Behavior of Binary mixtures Containing Normal Alkanols [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 166-171]
Pd nanoparticles
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Theoretical analysis of the retention behavior of pesticides and active pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater and river waters in liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 25-35]
Theoretical analysis of the retention behavior of pesticides and active pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater and river waters in liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 25-35]
PIN photodiode
Simulation and Characterization of PIN Photodiode for Photonic Applications [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 122-134]
Polyacronitrile Ultra filtration
Polyacronitrile Ultra Filtration Membranes Used for Separation of Glycerol from Transesterification Process of Biodiesel production. [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 157-165]
Poly(L-Aspartic Acid)
Ultra-sensitive electrochemical on-line determination of Clarithromycin based on Poly(L-Aspartic Acid)/Graphite Oxide/Pristine Graphene/Glassy Carbon Electrode [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-73]
Power Density
Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Devices (Review) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 90-103]
Stir bar sorptive extraction as a sample preparation technique for chromatographic analysis: An overview [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 56-62]
Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Devices (Review) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 90-103]
The study of range-scaling transformation of nanoparticle compounds on thin films of gold-centered monolayer protected nanoparticles by molecular modeling [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Quantum efficiency
Simulation and Characterization of PIN Photodiode for Photonic Applications [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 122-134]
A Quantum, NBO, RDG study the interaction of cadmium ion with the pristine, C, P and C&P; doped (4,4) armchair boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 262-270]
Sample preparation
Stir bar sorptive extraction as a sample preparation technique for chromatographic analysis: An overview [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 56-62]
Saponin loaded silver nanoparticles Enhanced anti-inflammatory activity
Promising anti-inflammatory bio-efficacy of saponin loaded silver nanoparticles prepared from the plant Madhuca longifolia [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 244-261]
Understanding the Mechanism of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu/Cu-Based Electrodes: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 183-224]
Stir bar sorptive extraction as a sample preparation technique for chromatographic analysis: An overview [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 56-62]
Si-doped Graphyne
Theoretical insights of the electronic structures, conductivity, and aromaticiy of Graphyne and Si-doped Graphynes [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 234-243]
Silica Nanoparticle
Superhydrophobic Surface Based Silica Nanoparticle Modified With Diisocyanate and Short and Long Normal Chain Alcohols [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 74-80]
Silver nanoparticle
Green synthesis of nanosilver particles from extract of Dracocephalum Lindbergii [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 19-24]
Effect of Aloe vera on synthesis of nano Tin (iv) oxide [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 115-121]
Sol gel
Effect of Aloe vera on synthesis of nano Tin (iv) oxide [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 115-121]
Solvation parameters
Interaction Parameters for CuCl2 Plus Orange G (OG) at 19.1oC Using Carbon Glassy Electrode (CGE) in KCl Aqueous Solutions [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 225-233]
Stir bar sorptive extraction
Stir bar sorptive extraction as a sample preparation technique for chromatographic analysis: An overview [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 56-62]
Biogenic synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles mediated by Artemisia abrotanum aqueous extract and its catalytic evaluation for Suzuki coupling reactions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 104-114]
Silica supported-boron sulfonic acid: a versatile and reusable catalyst for synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane in solvent free and room temperature conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 11-18]
One Pot synthesis of 2-substituted benzothiazoles catalyzed by Bi2O3 nanoparticles [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 135-142]
Production of methyl ester biofuel from sunflower oil via transesterification reaction [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 52-55]
Polyacronitrile Ultra Filtration Membranes Used for Separation of Glycerol from Transesterification Process of Biodiesel production. [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 157-165]
Walden product
Thermodynamic Parameters for solvation of Copper sulphate in (ethanol-water) mixed solvent at different temperatures [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Water Pollution
Theoretical analysis of the retention behavior of pesticides and active pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater and river waters in liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 25-35]