Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Nanoparticle, Nanocomposite, Graphene Oxide
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- eshaghipnu.ac.ir
- +98-5138691088
- 0000-0002-5898-7149
- h-index: 38
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Editorial Board
Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
P.O.Box: 90950, Riyadh 11623, Saudi Arabia
Professor of Materials Science and Nancomposites
- www.helwan.edu.eg/english/?page_id=1145
- wmdaoushimamu.edu.sa
- (00966) 0112595794
- h-index: 22
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Prof. walid M. daoush
Professor of Materials Science and Nancomposites
Helwan University, Cairo; Egypt
Present Address;College of Science
Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
P.O.Box: 90950, Riyadh 11623, Saudi Arabia
Phone office: (00966) 0112595794
Phone (Cell): (00966) 0566724635
Email:[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35609965600
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=KXw-s0AAAAAJ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walid-daoush-32150248/
Date of Birth:Jun-9-1973
Martial State: Married
- Materials Science
- Metallurgy
- Nanomaterials.
- Carbon Nanotubes.
- Metal Powder Fabrications and consolidations.
- Composites (metal, ceramic, polymer matrix and lamellar composites).
- Biomaterials.
- Porous Materials
- Microstructure-physical, magnetic and mechanical properties relations in materials.
- ·September 2016-to date: Professor
(College of Science)
Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
Riyadh; KSA
- ·Dec 2015- to August 2016: Professor (Department Head May 2012-date)
Department of Production Technology,
Faculty of Industrial Education
Helwan University, Cairo; Egypt
- ·Jun 2015- to Nov.2015:AssociateProfessor (Department Head)
Department of Production Technology,
Faculty of Industrial Education
Helwan University, Cairo; Egypt
- ·Aug. 2014- to May 2015: Visiting Associate Professor (Fulbright Scholar)
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Diego, California, USA.
- ·April 2012- 2015: AssociateProfessor (Department Head May 2012-August 2015)
Department of Production Technology,
Faculty of Industrial Education
Helwan University, Cairo; Egypt
- ·April. 2011-2012: Post-Doctoral Fellow
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
Dec. 2009- 2011: Research Associate Professor (Lab. Director - Oct. 2010)
Powder Technology Division,
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, Egypt
Dec. 2008- 2009: Researcher
Powder Technology Division,
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, Egypt.
Dec 2007- 2008: Research Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Daejon; South Korea.
Jan 2007- Nov.2008: Research Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Daejon; South Korea.
Dec. 2004- 2006: Researcher
Powder Technology Division,
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, Egypt.
Jan 2001- 2004: Assistant Lecaturer
Powder Technology Division,
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, Egypt.
July 1996- 2000: Research Assistant
Powder Technology Division,
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, Egypt.
- ·D. Phil (2004), Faculty of Science, University of Ain Shams, Cairo; Egypt.
Thesis Title: Ni-Coated Powder Approach for Advanced Materials
- · Master of Science (2001)
Thesis Title: Preparation of Copper Base Friction Materials byChemical Reduction Method
- · Bachelor of Science (1994)
Class of Degree: First Class Honors.
- “Fine Ceramics Application” atJapan Fine Ceramics Center in the period from 9/5 to 21/7/2000.
- “Processing and Investigations of New Composite Materials” at the Institute of material Research of Slovak Academy of Science in the period 1/3 to 28/4/2004.
- “Design & Optimization of Laminated Composite Materials”, 8-9 May 2007 in Kavaq Business Intelligence Co., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Languages and Computer Skills
- English (Speaking and Writing)
- Japanese (Short Speaking)
- Korean (Short Speaking, Writing)
- Mother language Arabic
1- Awarded the Price ofthe Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology (Prof. Venice Gouda)for Young researcher2010in advanced materials.
2- Selected candidate in the Who's Who in the World at 2011https://www.marquiswhoswho.com/
Teaching career span three institutions as follows;
1- Central Metallurgical R&D Institute
2- University of Helwan in Cairo; Egypt.
3- College of Science at Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh; KSA.
The teaching experience included the followings;
Undergraduate Level
- Introduction to Technology (an Introduction to Extractive Metallurgy).
- Solid State and Materials science
- Materials Properties and Testing.
- Metal Welding.
- MaterialsJoining.
- Metals Forming.
- Electrochemistry and Corrosion
- Physical Chemistry (Phase Diagrams, Thermodynamics and Kinetics)
- Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry
- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
- Industrial Chemistry
- Materials Science and Technology.
- Work Study.
- Safety in Industry.
- Tool and Die Design.
- Quality Control.
- Finishing Processes and Non-Traditional Machining.
- Planning and Managements in the Industry.
Graduate Level
- Powder Technology and sintering (Trainingof Engineering).
- Work Study.
- Materials Technology( Nanotechnology)
- Metal Forming Processes
- Welding Technology
Undergraduate research projects:
- More than 50 graduated Projects in the field of materials science and testing at Helwan University, Cairo; Egypt and at the college of science in the Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh; KSA.
Thesis Supervision:
- Dr. Daoush has so far collaborated and co supervised for 15 PhD and Master’s Candidates.
Graduated and defendedPh.D. Thesis
1- “Study of Some co-Precipitated Peroveskite-Manganite Alloys” by EidK. Abdel-Khalek, Faculty of Science at Al Azhar University, Cairo Egypt (2006).
2- “Fabrication and Characterizations of silicon carbide reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites”by Mohamed Hashish, Faculty of Engineering at Zagazig University, Zagazig Egypt (2013).
3- “Processing and development of New Tungsten Heavy Alloys Products” by Mohamed A. Sayed, Faculty of Engineering at Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt(2015).
4- “ Preparation of (Ta,Nb)C/Ni Cermets Suitable for Cutting Tools” by Hossam. M. Yehia, Faculty of Industrial Education at Suez University, Suez, Egypt (2016).
Graduated and defendedMSc. Thesis
1- “Synthesis and Properties of Iron-Base Compositethrough Powder Metallurgy”by El Sayed K. Maree Khalil, Faculty of Engineering at Al Azhar University (2015).
2- “Processing and Characterization of Boron Nitride/Nickel Copper Matrix Composite as Cutting Tool Materials” by Ahmed A. El Tantawy, Faculty of Industrial Education at Suez University, Suez, Egypt (2016).
3- “Fabrication and Characterization of Fabrication and Characterization of Copper/Silicon Nitride Composites” by Mahmoud A. Ahmed, Faculty of Industrial Education at Suez University, Suez, Egypt (2016).
4- “Preparation and Heat Flow Investigations of copper matrix composites as Electronic Component coolants”by Ahmed H. Swedan, Faculty of Industrial Education at Suez University, Suez, Egypt (2016).
The facilities include powder Fabrication facilities, water atomization, cold compaction, bench and industrial scale vacuum and N/H gas sintering furnaces. Mechanical alloying apparatus, powder rotator mixer, high accuracy digital balance, powder presses and dies, abrasive cutter, sieve analysis/shaker capabilities, high-temperature tube furnace, and microscopes with image analysis facility, materials polishing, grinding and specimen mounting capabilities facilities among others.
- Member (reviewer) in the committee of the metallurgy, petroleum and mining at the Supreme Council of Universities-Egypt (2016-2019).
- Member In the International Technical Committees of the international Conference on Advanced Materials, Technology and Application in Bali Island, Indonesia, 2018.
- Editor of the international journal of Materials Sciences and Applications 2017.
- Editor of the SciFed Materials Research Letters 2017.
- Member of the Organized Committee of the 2017 International Conference on Structural Materials and Civil Engineering ( ICSMCE 2017)Bangkok, Thailand
- Member of the Organized Committee of the 2017 International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials (ICMCM 2017)Bangkok, Thailand.
- Lead Guest Editor of the special issue in metallic nanoparticles of the journal of nanotechnology 2017.
- Associate Editor of the journal of Materials Sciences and Applications 2016.
- Associate Editor of the journal of Nanomedicine Research 2016.
- Fulbright Alumni 2014-2015 at San Diego State University, California, USA.
- Member in the Materials Research Society since 2010.
- Member in the American Nano Society since 2010.
- Member in the Chemical Engineering Division of the American Chemical Society since 2010.
- Member in the FP7 European commission experts 2009.
- Member at Korea Research Foundation 2008
- Member in the International Nanoscience Community since 2007.
- Member in the Egyptian Syndicate of Scientific Professions since 1994.
Journal Reviewer for:
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- Journal of Materials and Design
- Journal of Super lattices and Microstructures.
- Journal of Materials Research.
- Journal of Nanoparticles Research.
- Journal of Thin Solid Films.
- Scientific Research and Essays (SRE).
- Journal of Physical Chemistry.
- Journal of Powder Metallurgy.
- Journal of Nano Technology.
- Journal of Nano Technology
- Engineering Science and Technology
- Advanced Powder Technology
Book Reviewer:
- Book Reviewer for “Materials: Introduction and Applications” by Prof. WitoldBrostow and Prof. Haley E. HaggLobland, Published by Wiley (2017).
- Book Reviewer for “Cellulose Nanocrystals: Properties, Production and Applications” by Prof. Wadood Y. Hamad, Published by Wiley (2017)
- Book Reviewer for “MaterialsProcessing: A Unified Approach to Processing of Metals, Ceramics and Polymers” by Prof. Lorraine F. Francis, Published by Academic Press Publications (2016).
- Book Reviewer for "Nanostructured Carbon Materials for Catalysis” by Prof. Philippe Serp and Bruno Machado, published by Royal Society of Chemistry (2015).
- Book Reviewer for "NanostructuralBioceramics: Advances in Chemically Bonded Ceramics" by Prof. Leif Hermansson, published by Taylor and Francis (2015).
- Book Reviewer for "Bionanomaterials for Dental Applications" by Prof. MieczyslawJurczyk, published by Taylor and Francis (2014).
- Book Reviewer for "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Engineering” by Prof. Vijay K. Varadan, A. SivathanuPillai, DebashishMukherji, MayankDwivedi and Linfeng Chen, published by World Scientific (2010).
1-Licensed:Method for manufacturing high hardness coating powder with good high temperature stability and improved surface characteristics and strength: KR 1492969 (priority date: Feb. 16, 2015) inventors Park, HuiSeop; Ryu, Min Ho; DAOUSH, WALID M.; HONG, SUN HYEONG. Patent Assignee Name: ILJIN DIAMOND CO LTD.
2-Licensed:Coating powder used for cutting tool, is obtained by maintaining furnace containing coating material of titanium and solution of primary and secondary salt, at predetermined temperature such that molten salt reaction is carried out: WO2010056077-A2 ; KR2010054511-A ; WO2010056077-A3 ; WO2010056077-A9 ; KR1492969-B1(priority date: Nov. 14, 2008)inventors:DAOUSH W M, HONG S H, PARK H S, RYOO M H, HONG S, PARK H, RYU M, WALRIDEU EM. D. Patent Assignee Name: ILJIN DIAMOND CO LTD.
“Nickel Coated Powder Approach for Advanced Materials” Edited by Walid M. Daoush, Sayed F. Moustafa and Sayed T. AbdElreheem, published by Lambert Academic Publisher.
Chapter on Improvement of the Reinforcements Distribution in the Composite Matrices Using Powder Coating Process “in Handbook of High Performance Coatings for Automotive and Aerospace Industries, edited by Abdel Salam HamdyMakhlouf, published by Nova Science Publisher, authors: Walid M. Daoush, Byung K. Lim, Hee S. Park, Sayed F. Moustafa, and Soon H. Hong, pp.301-324. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=11740.
3- REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS(students names underlined)
Dr. Daoush’s publications have been so far cited more than 515 times, with an h-index of 11 (According to Google scholar Citation).
45-Mohamed A. Sayed, Osama M. Dawood, Ayman H. ELSayed, Walid M. Daoush, “Application of Taguchi Method in Optimization of Process Parameters of ODS WHAs” Advances in Materials Research, Vol. 6(1) 79-91(2017).
44- Walid M. Daoush”Co-Precipitation and Magnetic Properties of Magnetite Nanoparticles for Potential Biomedical Applications”, Journal of Nanomedicine Research, Vol. 5(3) 118-123 (2017).
43.WalidM.Daoush, J. Yao, M. Shamma, K.Morsi “Ultra-rapid Processing of High-hardness Tungsten-Copper Nanocomposites”,ScriptaMaterialia, Vol. 113, 246-249 (2016).
42.WalidM.Daoush, AymanElsayed, Omayma El Kady, Mohamed Sayed, OsamaM. Dawood“Enhancement of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Tungsten Heavy Alloys”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol.47, Issue 5, 2387-2395(2016).
41.WalidDaoush, Ahmed Swidan, GamalAbd El-Aziz, Mohamed Abdelhalim “Fabrication, Microstructure, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Copper Heat SinkComposites”, Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol 7, 542-561 (2016).
40.Mahmoud A. Ahmed, Walid M. Daoush, Ahmed E. El-Nikhaily” Fabrication and characterization of Copper/Silicon Nitride composites”, Advances in Materials Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 131-140 (2016).
39. K. Morsi,Walid M. Daoush “Al-TiH2 Composite ‘Particles’ as foaming Precursors for Metallic Foams”, ScriptaMaterialia, Vol. 105, 6-9 (2015).
38.H. M. Yehia, Walid. M. Daoush, A. E. El-Nikhaily”Microstructure and Physical Properties of Blended and Coated (Ta, Nb)C/Ni Cermets”, Powder Metallurgy Progress Vol.15, No.2, 262-271(2015).
37.Walid M. Daoush, Omayma A. El Kady ,Amal. A. AbdElgany, Mohamed A. Ghanem , Ahmed E. El-Nikhaily “ Microstructure, Hardness and Magnetic Properties of (W:Ti)C-Ni Cemented Carbides” Journal of Japan Ceramic Society, in Press (2015).
36. AymanElsayed, Wei Li, Omayma A. El Kady, Walid M. Daoush, Eugene A. Olevsky, Randall M. German“Experimental Investigations on the Synthesis of W-Cu Nanocomposite through Spark Plasma Sintering”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 639, 373-380 (2015).
35.Walid M. Daoush, Hee S. Park, FawadInam, Byung K. Lim, and Soon H. Hong “Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Ti-12Mo-6Zr Biomaterials Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering”, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A, Vol. 46A, No. 3, 1385-1393 (2015).
34.Walid M. Daoush, ToyokoImae “ Fabrication of PtNi Bimetallic Nanoparticles Supported on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Vol. 10, No. 5,392–406 (2015).
33.Walid M. Daoush, A. Francis, Y. Lin, R. German “An exploratory investigation on the in-situ synthesis of SiC/AlN/Al composites by spark plasma sintering”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Vol. 622, 458-462 (2015).
32.Walid M. Daoush, OmaymaElkady "Microstructure, Physical Properties and Hardness of Al2O3 Short Fibres/Ni Matrix Composites Fabricated by Powder Technology", Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 48, No. 30, 3735-3746 (2014).
31. Walid M. Daoush, Hee S. Park, Soon H. Hong “Fabrication of TiN/cBN and TiC/Diamond coated particles by titanium deposition process”, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, Vol. 24, 3562−3570 (2014).
30. Walid M. Daoush, Byung K. Lim, Dong H. Nam and Soon H. Hong "Microstructure and mechanical properties of CNT/Ag nanocomposites fabricated by spark plasma sintering" Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Vol. 9, No. 6, 588-596 (2014).
29.FawadInam, Badekai R Bhat, Thuc Vo, Walid M. Daoush "Structural health monitoring capabilities in ceramic - carbon nanocomposites" Ceramic International , Vol.40, No.2, 3793-3798 (2014).
28. Walid M. Daoush, Soon H. Hong "Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotube/silver nanocomposite powders by chemical reduction in aqueous solution", Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Vol. 8, No. 5, 578–587 (2013).
27.Zeinab Abdel Hamid, Sayed F. Moustafa, Walid M. Daoush, Fatema Abdel Mouez, Mona Hassan "Fabrication and Characterization of Tungsten Heavy Alloys Using Chemical Reduction and Mechanical Alloying Methods", Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 3, 15-27(2013).
26. A.A. El-Daly, M. Abdelhameed, M. Hashish, Walid M. Daoush “Fabrication of silicon carbide reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites and characterization of its mechanical properties using non-destructive technique”, Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 384-393(2013).
25.Walid M. Daoush,ToyokoImae "Syntheses and Characterizations of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes-Supported Palladium Nanocomposites", Journal of Materials Research, 27(13)1680-1687 (2012).
23. Walid M. Daoush"Synthesis and Characterizations of Nanosized Fe3O4 for Biomedical Applications", World Journal of Engineering Vol.2, 161-162 (2010).
22.Wei Li, Walid M. Daoush, AdityaBothate, Z. Abdel-Hamid, RidvanYamanoglu, Eugene Olevsky, SayedMoustafa, Randall M. German."Influence of Powder Preparation on Consolidation Behavior and Properties of Tungsten-Copper Alloys", Advances in Powder Metallurgy&Particulate Materials, Vol. 1, 245-257 (2010).
21.H.A.Sallam, W.M.El-Meligy, E.A.Mohamed, Walid .M.Daoush, A.G.Moustafa "Utilization of the Hyperfine Structure of the Doped Iron Nuclei to Elucidate the Structural, Electric and Magnetic Properties of La1-xCaxMn0.95Fe0.05O3 Perovskite System", Arab Journal of Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol. 43, No 1, 138-150 (2010).
20. Walid M. Daoush, B.K.Lim, C.B.Mo, D.H.Nam, S. H. Hong "Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Copper Nanocomposites Fabricated by Electroless Deposition Process" Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 513-514, 247- 253 (2009).
19.Walid M. Daoush, Hee S. Park, Kyong H. Lee, Sayed F. Moustafa, Soon H. Hong " Effect of Binder Compositions on Microstructure, Hardness and Magnetic Properties of (Ta, Nb)C-Co and (Ta,Nb)C-Ni Cemented Carbides, Inter. J. of Ref. Met. and Hard Mat., Vol.27, 669-675 (2009).
18.Walid M. Daoush, Kyong H. Lee, Hee S. Park, Soon H. Hong“Effect of Liquid Phase Composition on the Microstructure and Properties of (W, Ti) C Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools “Inter. J. of Ref. Met. and Hard Mat., Vol. 27, No.1, 83-89 ( 2009).
17.Walid M. Daoush, Sayed F. Moustafa "Coated powders 'a good base' for intermetallics" Metal Powder Report, Vol 63, No 11, pp. 16 (2008).
16. A.G. Mostafa, E.K. Abdel-Khalek, Walid M. Daoush, M.Y.Hassaan "Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of the La0.70Sr0.30Mn0.9657Fe0.04O3+δ Perovskite" Journal of Hyperfine Interaction, vol. 184, pp. 167( 2008).
15.Walid M. Daoush "Processing and Characterization of CNT/Cu Nanocomposites by Powder Technology" Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 47, Nos. 9-10, pp 531(2008).
14. A.G. Mostafa, E.K. Abdel-Khalek, Walid M. Daoush, S.F. Moustfa, “Study of Some co-Precipitated Manganite Peroveskite Samples Doped Iron” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 320, No.24, pp 3356 (2008).
13. S. H. Kaytbay and Walid M. Daoush “Phase Identification and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe50Cu50”, Journal of Powder Metallurgy Progress, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 111 (2007).
12.Walid M. Daoush and O.A. Elkady “Beating the force field with PM shield materials” Metal Powder Report, Vol 62, No 8, pp. 22(2007).
11.Walid M. Daoush "Synthesis and Consolidation of Nano-Sized NiCo Powder by Powder Technology Rout"; Mater. Sci .Forum, Vols., 561-565, pp. 1425 (2007).
10.Walid M. Daoush, Kyong H. Lee, Hee S. Park, Soon H. Hong "Effect of Metallic Binder Composition on Microstructure and Hardness of (W, Ti)C Cemented Carbides" J. of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, Vol.14, pp.208 (2007) (in Korean).
9.Walid M. Daoush "Processing of FeCoNanosized Soft-Magnetic Material by Powder metallurgy Technique" Mater. Sci .Forum, Vols., 558-559, pp. 707 (2007).
8.Walid M. Daoush, and Sayed F. Moustafa “Coating points a way for synthesis of tough intermetallics”, Metal Powder Report, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 30 (2007).
7. S.H. Kaytbay S.F. Moustafa and Walid M. Daoush “Solid-State Reaction in Al-Fe Binary System Induced by Mechanical Alloying” Journal of Defect and Diffusion, vol.272, pp. 15 (2007).
6. Sayed F. Moustafa, Walid M. Daoush "Synthesis of Nanosized Fe-Ni Powder by Chemical Process for Magnetic Applications,” journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol. 181, pp.59 (2007).
5. S.H. Mansour, N.M.Ahemed and WalidM.Daoush “Studies on Magnetic Pigmented Polyester Composites”, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Vol. 46, pp. 85 (2007).
4.A. Francis, Walid M. Daoush "Synthesis and Magnetic Characteristics of Crystallized Ceramic in the BaO–NiO-TiO2–Fe2O3 System,” journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol. 181, pp. 213 (2007).
3.Walid M. Daoush and Sayed F. Moustafa “Processing of Metallic Filters by Powder Metallurgy Technique” Journal of Powder Metallurgy Progress, Vol. 6, No.4, pp. 164 (2006).
2. S.H. El-Sabbagh, N.M. Ahmed, Walid M. Daoush “Colored Rubber Vulcanizates with Some Magnetic Properties” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 102, pp. 494 (2006).
1. Sayed F. Moustafa, Walid.M. Rashad Daoush, E.E. El- Shereafy “Cu/Matrix Composites Produced with either Coated or Uncoated Reinforcement Powders” Canadian Metallurgical Quaterly, Vol. 40, No., 4, pp. 533 (2001).
4- REFEREED CONFERENCES PUBLICATIONS(students names underlined)
11-El Kady, O.A.,Daoush, W.M.,Elsayed, A., Abdallah, M., Dawood, O.M.“Enhancement of physical and mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened tungsten heavy alloys” Euro PM 2014 Congress and Exhibition.
10- H. M. Yehya, W. M. Daoush, M. H. El-Sayed,A. E. El-Nikhaily”Effect of Ni Binder Content on Microstructure, Hardness and Wear Properties of (Ta, Nb) C/Ni Cermets Fabricated by Powder Mixing and Coating Routs”3rd International Conference in Africa and Asia on Welding and Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials, 2-5 November, 2015, Luxor, Egypt.
9-HalfaHossam, DaoushWalid “Preparation of 2-5 µm Magnetite Powder from High Carbon Ferrochrome (Fe-Cr) Alloy”, 23rd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, METAL 2014, 21-23 May 2014, Brno, Czech Republic.
8- Walid. M. Daoush “Recycling of Magnetic Materials and Cellulose Fibers from the Underground Metro Tickets”The fourth international conference of BeniSuef University, 18-19 Feb. (2014), BeniSuef University.https://gomhuriaonline.com/main_edu.asp?v_article_id=145645
7- Walid. M. Daoush, E. Gordo, P. Alvaredo, El Sayed K. Maree, Sayed F. Moustafa, Zeinab Abdel Hamid, Ahmed A. Atlam, Amir A. El Sayed“Microstructure and Hardness of Fe-TiCNCermets Fabricated by Powder blending and Powder Coating Routes Followed by Powder Metallurgy Process” The 2012 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM’12), COEX, Seoul, South Korea,, 26-30 (August) (2012).
6-Walid M. Daoush,W. Bradbury, E. Olevsky, Randall M. German” Consolidation of Si3N4/Cu Composite powders Fabricated by Electroless Deposition Technique” 18th International Conference on Composites Materials, ICCM 2011; Jeju; South Korea; 21 - 26 August 2011, Code 96311.
5-Wei Li, Randall M. German, AdityaBothate,Walid M. Daoush, Eugene A. Olevsky, Z. Abdel-Hamid, Sayed F. Moustafa“Barriers of W-Cu Alloy Consolidation by Spark Plasma Sintering" 8th International Conference on Tungsten, Refractory and Hardmaterials 2011; San Francisco, CA; United States; 18 - 21 May 2011, Code 98754.
4-Randall M. German, AdityaBothate, Wei Li, Eugene A. Olevsky, Walid M. Daoush, Sayed F. Moustafa “Advances in W-Cu: New Powder Systems" 8th International Conference on Tungsten, Refractory and Hardmaterials 2011; San Francisco, CA; United States; 18 - 21 May 2011, Code 98754.
3- Randall M. German, Wei Li, Walid M. Daoush, AdityaBothate, Z. Abdel-Hamid, RidvanYamanoglu, Eugene Olevsky, SayedMoustafa” Powder fabrication role in the sintering and properties of tungsten-copper alloys” Proceedings of the World Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, World PM 2010.
2-Walid M. Daoush "Processing and Characterizations of CNT/Cu Sintered Materials" The 1st International Conference in Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, NRC, Cairo, Egypt 3-5 Dec. (2007).
1- S. F. Moustafa, Z.Abdel-Hamid, S.S Abdel Rehim, W.M. RashadDaoush “Processing of Ni/Al intermetallic and its composites using coating route” Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM 2004, Vienna, Austria, 17-21 Oct. (2004).
- 1. 2015 international conference of Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, San Diego, California, USA, 17-20 May(2015).
- 2. The fourth international conference of BeniSuef University, Egypt, 18-19 Feb. (2014).
- 3. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18), ICC, Jeju Korea, 21-26 Aug. (2011).
- International Conference on Materials Imperatives in the New Millennium [MINM2010] Cairo, Egypt, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2010.
- First International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Tanta Univ., Egypt, Nov. 18-19, 2009.
- 2008 Full conference of Korea Powder Metallurgy Institute, Nov. 13-14, 2008.
- Spring Symposium of Korea Powder Metallurgy Institute, Chunbuck Univ., April 10-11, 2008.
- The sixth Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 1-2Nov. (2007), POSTEC, Korea.
- 1st Workshop of the Advanced Materials & Applied Nanotechnology Group, AMANTG (26-27, Nov, 2006), NRC, Cairo, Egypt.
- First Afro-Asian Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (AMSAT06), Nov.13-16, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
- Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, (24-28 Sept. 2006) Busan, Korea.
- The US-Egypt Workshop on Synthesis, Characterizations and Industrial Applications of Nanoparticles and Nanostructure Materials, at 12-15 Nov. 2005, Mubarak City, Alexandria, Egypt.
- 4th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano materials, at 17-20 Sept., 2005, Cairo., Egypt.
- 14. Us-Egypt Workshop on Advances in Science and Technology of Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Wastes, at Jun 6-10, 2004, Cairo Egypt.
- International project with Department of Materials Research at ARC Seibersdorf Research Center GmbH, Seibersdorf, Austria entitled "Copper-Graphite Composite" from 2001-2003 (Role-Co PI).
- US-Egypt international project with San Diego State University and NSF entitled"Development of Nanosized W-Cu composites by Powder Technology Process" from 2009-2012 (Role-PI and Co PI from 2012 to 2016).
- National Project with the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Foundation entitled "Development of Tungsten Heavy Alloys for Replacing the Imported Products" from 2009-2011 (Role- Co PI).
- International Project PCI Mediterraneo funded by AECID with Carlos III University entitled "Development of a New Generation of Tool Materials Using Powder Metallurgy Processing" from 2010-2012 (Role PI).
- Prof. Soon H. Hong
Department of Materials Science and Technology
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Email: [email protected]
- Prof. ToyokoImae
Chair Professor at Nagoya University, Japan
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Prof. Igor F. Perepichka
Professor of Chemistry,
School of Chemistry,
Bangor University,
Bangor LL57 2UW,
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 - (0)1248 - 382386
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Webpage: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/chemistry/IP/index.php
h-index: 36 https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=wrYu7kAAAAAJ
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6672-3103
Researcher ID: F-7993-2016
Scopus Author ID: 7004127147
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=wrYu7kAAAAAJ
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Igor_Perepichka/info
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/igor-perepichka-8b521635/
Igor Perepichka is a Professor of Chemistry at Bangor University, UK. He obtained his MSC Degree (Diploma in Chemical Engineering) from Donetsk Technical University in 1981 and his PhD in Organic Chemistry from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, IPOCC NASU) in 1987. He started his career at IPOCC NASU in Ukraine as an engineer in 1981 and was promoted to Senior Research Scientist in 1989. He has held several visiting positions, including Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Würzburg University, Germany, 1995–1997), Visiting Scientist (CEA Saclay, France, 1999 and CNRS, Angers, 2000–2001), Invited Professor (Angers University, 2001–2002), Senior Research Associate (Durham University, 2003–2007). In 2007 he moved to the University of Central Lancashire (Preston, UK) as Reader in Chemistry. In 2010 he was appointed as Professor of Chemistry at Bangor University, UK. His work is documented in over 100 papers in refereed journals, over 20 patents and two dozen books and book chapters, including “Handbook of Thiophene-Based Materials: Applications in Organic Electronics and Photonics” (I. F. Perepichka, D. F. Perepichka, Two-Volumes Set, Wiley, 2009).
Research area
Prof Perepichka’s field of research is organic materials chemistry. The main research activity focuses on design, synthesis and studies of novel organic π-functional systems, from small molecules to conjugated polymeric materials, toward their applications in organic electronics, optoelectronics and photonics. Current research interests encompass the development of functional π-conjugated materials with tailored electronic properties in view of applications in solar energy conversion, electronic and photonic devices, and nanoscience: novel conjugated π-functional systems, reactions and methods of their synthesis; conjugated polymers with tailored properties and functions; conductive, semiconductive and photoconductive pi-conjugated materials (from small molecules to oligomers and polymers); charge, electron and energy transfer processes in pi-systems; intermolecular and intramolecular charge transfer processes in π-conjugated systems; electroactive and photoactive π-functional systems; organic nanomaterials, supramolecular architectures and self-organized systems; organic molecular and polymeric materials for light-emitting devices, organic photovoltaics, field-effect transistors, electrochromic devices, non-linear optics, nanotechnologies, sensors/biosensors etc.
Editorial Board
Nanomaterials, Materials science, Photocatalyst, Metal oxides, Sensor
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Scopus ID: 57204150976
International Editorial Board
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Assistant Professor in Nanochemistry
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- +985136202366
- 0000-0002-9078-7323
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E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Curriculum vitae
Amir Khojastehnezhad
H-index: 20, Citation > 1000
Editor Board of Asian Journal of Nanoscience and Materials
Address: Unit 8, P 65, Fallahi 50.8, Fallahi Blvd, Mashhad, Iran
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Related Link:
My Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=aK65zuwAAAAJ&hl=en
My Publons Link: https://publons.com/researcher/1499563/amir-khojastehnezhad/metrics/
Personal Data:
Sex: Male; Nationality: Iran; Date of Birth: 25-08-1984
Ph. D: Organic Chemistry, Ferdowsi University Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran. (Sep. 2011 to Nov. 2015)
Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and investigation of their applications in organic synthesis and computational study of mechanism of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. Supervisors: Prof. Hossein Eshghi and Prof. Mehdi Bakavoli
Master of Science: Organic Chemistry, Azad University, Mashhad, Iran. (Sep. 2008 to Aug. 2011)
Thesis: Synthesis of heterocyclic systems (Acridine, Quinoline, Xanthene) and nitrills using oximes and solid and liquid catalysts. Supervisors: Prof. Abolghasem Davoodnia and Prof. Mehdi Bakavoli
Bachelor of Science: Pure Chemistry, Azad University of Mashhad, Iran. (Sep. 2003 to May 2008)
Research Experiences:
Postdoctoral: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran. (Jan. 2018 to Jan. 2020)
Thesis: Design and synthesis of magnetic metal organic frameworks and investigation of their catalytic applications as green catalysts in organic synthesis. Supervisor: Prof. Mehdi Bakavoli
Research Opportunity: Michigan State University, Michigan, USA. (Jan. 2015 to July 2015)
Thesis: Asymmetric Synthesis of Chromane Derivatives via Chlorination/Phenolcyclization Reaction.
Supervisor: Prof. Babak Borhan
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Faculty of Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. (Jan. 2016 to July 2019)
Advisor of two Ph.D theses about preparation, and application of heterogeneous catalysts.
Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Iran.(Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2019)
Advisor of four Ph.D and master theses about preparation and application of heterogeneous catalysts.
Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar,Iran. (Jan. 2014 to Jan. 2016)
Advisor of two master theses about preparation and application of heterogeneous catalysts.
Publications (ISI, web of Science):
1. Z. Ghadamyari, A. Khojastehnezhad, S. M. Seyedi, A. Shiri, Co(II)‐Porphyrin Immobilized on Graphene Oxide: An Efficient Catalyst for the Beckmann Rearrangemen. ChemistrySelect 2019, 4, 10920, IF: 1.7.
2. Z. Ghadamyari, A. Shiri, A. Khojastehnezhad, S. M. Seyedi, Zirconium (IV) porphyrin graphene oxide: a new and efficient catalyst for the synthesis of 3, 4‐dihydropyrimidin‐2(1H)‐ones. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2019, 33, 5091, IF: 3.6.
3. F. Ataie, A. Davoodnia, A. Khojastehnezhad, Graphene oxide functionalized organic-inorganic hybrid (GO-Si-NH2-PMo): an efficient and catalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran derivatives. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2019, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2019.1622137, IF: 2.0.
4. M. Asadian; A. Davoodnia; S. A. Beyramabadi, A. Khojastehnezhad, The First Pyrazolium-Based Ionic Liquid Containing Phosphotungstic Acid Immobilized on CuFe2O4@SiO2: A Recyclable Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrid Catalyst for the Synthesis of Polyhydroquinolines. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2019, Published Online, IF: 1.0.
5. A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Bakavoli, A. Javid, M. M. Khakzad Siuki, M. Shahidzadeh. Synthesis, characterization, and investigation of catalytic activity of copper (II) porphyrin graphene oxide for azide–alkyne cycloaddition. Research on Chemical Intermediate 2019, 45, 4473, IF: 1.7.
6. M. Rohaniyan, A. Davoodnia, S. A. Beyramabadi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Phosphomolybdic acid supported on Schiff base functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets: Preparation, characterization, and first catalytic application in the multi-component synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[a]xanthene-11-ones. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2019, 4881, IF: 3.6.
7. A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Bakavoli, A. Javid, M. M. Khakzad Siuki, F. Moeinpour, Covalently copper(II) porphyrin cross-linked graphene oxide: Preparation and catalytic activity. Catalysis Letter 2019, 149, 713, IF: 2.9.
8. M. Keyhanian, A. Shiri, H, Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Synthesis, characterization and first application of covalently immobilized nickel-porphyrin on graphene oxide for Suzuki cross coupling reaction. New Journal of Chemistry 2018, 42, 19433, IF: 3.2.
9. M. Keyhanian, A. Shiri, H, Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Novel design of recyclable copper (II) complex supported on magnetic nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for the Beckmann rearrangement in PEG. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2018, 32, 4344, IF: 3.6.
10. A. Taleghani, M. Iranshahi, M.A. Nasseri, A. Khojastehnezhad, Phytochemical Screening and Green Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Unripe Fruit of Ziziphus Vulgaris Journal of Nanostructures 2018, 8, 300, IF: 0.5.
11. A. Javid, A. Khojastehnezhad, A. J. L. Pombeiro, Preparation, Characterization and Application of Preyssler Immobilized on Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Green and Recoverable Catalyst for the Synthesis of Imidazoles. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2017, 87, 3000, IF: 0.6.
12. N. Hosseini, A. Davoodnia, F. Rostami-Charati, N. Tavakoli, A. Khojastehnezhad, Synthesis of New Pyrimido[4 0,5 0:3,4]pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine-4,7,12-triones: Derivatives of a New Heterocyclic Ring System. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2018, 55, 161, IF: 0.9.
13. A. Khojastehnezhad, B. Maleki, B. Karrabi, E. Rezaei Seresht, Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Piperidines using Polyphosphoric Acid Supported on Silica-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles. Organic Preparation Procedure International 2017, 49, 338, IF: 1.6.
14. B. Maleki, A. Mofrad, R. Tayebee, A. Khojastehnezhad, H. Alinezhad, E. Rezaei Seresht, One-Pot Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives Catalyzed by Silica-Coated Magnetic NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles-Supported H14[NaP5W30O110]. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2017, 87, 2922, IF: 0.6.
15. A. Davoodnia, F. Tajfirooz, M. Pordel, M. Ebrahimi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Novel CuFe2O4@SiO2-P2O5H magnetic nanoparticles: Preparation, characterization, and its first catalytic application to the synthesis of 1,8-dioxo-octahydroxanthenes. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2018, 32, 3930 IF: 3.6.
16. A. Khojastehnezhad, A. Javid, F. Moeinpour, NiFe2O4@SiO2-PPA Magnetic Nanoparticle: A Green Nanocatalyst for the Synthesis of β-Acetamido Ketones. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2017, Published online, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2017.1335218, IF: 2.0.
17. N. Hosseininasab, A. Davoodnia, F. Rostami-Charati, A. Khojastehnezhad, Preparation, characterization, and first catalytic application of a novel phosphotungstic acid-containing ionic liquid immobilized on CuFe2O4@SiO2 magnetic nanoparticles in the synthesis of 1H-pyrazolo [1,2-b] phthalazine-5, 10-diones. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2017, 87, 2436, IF: 0.6.
18. B. Maleki, M. Baghayeri, S. Ayazi, R. Tayebee, A. Khojastehnezhad, Ultrasound Promoted Facile One Pot Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyran Derivatives Catalyzed by Silica-Coated Magnetic NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles-Supported H14[NaP5W30O110] under Mild Conditions. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 96644, IF: 3.0.
19. A. Javid, A. Khojastehnezhad, H. Eshghi, F. Moeinpour, F. F. Bamoharram, J. Ebrahimi. Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles using a Magnetically Separable Modified Preyssler Heteropoly Acid. Organic Preparation Procedure International 2016, 48, 377, IF: 1.6.
20.B. Maleki, N. Nasiri, R. Tayebee, A. Khojastehnezhad, Green Synthesis of Tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans and Pyranopyrazoles Catalyzed by Nano-structured diphosphate in Water. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 79128, IF: 3.0.
21.A. Khojastehnezhad, H. Eshghi, F. Moeinpour, A. Raoufi, Mechanism of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of indan-1-one enamines with arylnitrile oxide: a DFT analysis. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 2016, 13, 1629, IF: 1.5.
22.A. Khojastehnezhad, H. Eshghi, F. Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli, J. Tajabadi. A computational study on the mechanism of 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reactions between 2-ethylthio-4-phenyl-1-azetin and some substituted nitrile oxides. Structural Chemistry 2016, 27, 1041, IF: 2.0.
23. B. Maleki, E. Rezaee Seresht, H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, H. Veisi. One-Pot Synthesis of 1-Amidoalkyl-2-naphthols Catalyzed by Polyphosphoric Acid Supported on Silica-Coated NiFe2O4 Nanoparticle. Organic Preparation Procedure International 2016, 48, 37, IF: 1.6.
24. H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, Sh. Rezaeian, M. Bakavoli, M. Teymouri, A. Rostami, K. Haghbeen. Nanomagnetic organiceinorganic hybrid (Fe@Si-Gu-Prs): a novel magnetically green catalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridine derivatives at room temperature under solvent-free conditions. Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 436, IF: 2.6.
25.H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli. Mechanism and regioselectivity of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of bicyclic monoterpenes with aryl and heteroaryl nitrile oxides: a DFT study. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 2015, 93, 749, IF: 1.2.
26.B. Maleki, H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, R. Tayebee, S. Sedigh Ashrafi, G. Esmailian Kahoo, F. Moeinpour. Silica coated magnetic NiFe2O4 nanoparticle supported phosphomolybdic acid; synthesis, preparation and its application as a heterogeneous and recyclable catalyst for the one-pot synthesis of tri- and tetra-substituted imidazoles under solvent free conditions. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 64850, IF: 3.0.
27.F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad. Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanism and Regioselectivity of the 1,3-dipolar Cycloaddition of E-3-(dimethylamino)-1-(10H-phenothiazin-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one with Some Nitrilimines Using DFT and the Distortion/interaction Model. Acta Chimica Slovenica2015, 62, 403, IF: 1.0.
28.B. Malekia, S. Chalaki, S. Sedigh Ashrafi, E. Rezaee Seresht, F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad, R. Tayebee. Caesium carbonate supported on hydroxyapatite-encapsulated Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanocrystallites as a novel magnetically basic catalyst for the one-pot synthesis of pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine-5,10-diones. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2015, 29, 290, IF: 3.6.
29.A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, M. Vafaee. Molybdenum Oxide Supported on Silica (MoO3/SiO2): An Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for the Synthesis of 1,8-dioxodecahydroacridines Under Solvent-free Conditions. Journal of Mexican Chemical Society 2015, 59, 29, IF: 1.0.
30.H. Eshghi, A. Javid, A. Khojastehnezhad, Farid Moeinpour, F. F. Bamoharram, M. Bakavoli, M. Mirzaei. Preyssler heteropolyacid supported on silica coated NiFe2O4 nanoparticles for the catalytic synthesis of bis(dihydropyrimidinone)benzene and 3,4‐dihydropyrimidin‐2(1H)‐ones. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2015, 36, 299 IF: 3.5.
31.F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad. Cesium carbonate supported on hydroxyapatite coated Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles as an efficient and green catalyst for the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles. Chinese Chemical Letters 2015, 26, 575, IF: 2.6.
32.B. Maleki, H. Eshghi, M. Barghamadi, N. Nasiri, A. Khojastehnezhad, S. Sedigh Ashrafi, O. Pourshiani. Silica-coated magnetic NiFe2O4 nanoparticlessupported H3PW12O40; synthesis, preparation, and application as an efficient, magnetic, green catalyst for one-pot synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran and pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives. Research on Chemical Intermediate 2015, 42, 3071, IF: 1.7.
33. H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Farid Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli, S. M. Seyedi, M. Abbasi. Synthesis, characterization and first application of keggin-type heteropoly acids supported on silica coated NiFe2O4 as novel magnetically catalysts for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridines. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 39782, IF: 3.0.
34. H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Farid Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli, N. Zeinabi, S. Allameh. Nanomagnetically modified polyphosphoric acid (NiFe2O4@SiO2–PPA): an efficient, fast, and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of 2-thioxoquinazolinones under solvent-free conditions. Research on Chemical Intermediate 2014, 41, 7915, IF: 1.7.
35.M. Rahimizadeh, S. M. Seyedi, M. Abbasi, H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, Farid Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli. Nanomagnetically modified ferric hydrogen sulfate (NiFe2O4@SiO2-FHS): a reusable green catalyst for the synthesis of highly functionalized piperidine derivatives. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 2014, 12, 839, IF: 1.4.
36. M. Ghiaci, M. Zarghani, F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad. Preparation, characterization and application of silica-supported palladium complex as a new and heterogeneous catalyst for Suzuki and Sonogashira reactions. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2014, 28, 589, IF: 3.6.
37. M. Rahimizadeh, H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, M. Bakavoli, J. Tajabadi. Density functional theory study of the Regio and stereoselectivity in 1,3-Dipolar cycloddition reactions between N-methyl methylenenitrone and fluorinated dipolarophiles. Journal of Flourine Chemistry 2014, 162, 60, IF: 2.0.
38.M. Ghiaci, M. Zarghani, A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour. Preparation, characterization and first application of silica supported Palladium-N-heterocyclic carbene as a new and green catalyst for C-C coupling reactions. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 15496, IF: 3.0.
39.F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad, Polyphosphoric acid supported on Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles as a magnetically-recoverable green catalyst for the synthesis of pyranopyrazoles, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2014, 10, 3468, IF: 3.0.
40. A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Rahimizadeh, F. Moeinpour, H. Eshghi, M. Bakavoli. Nano magnetically silica-supported ferric hydrogensulfate as a new and green catalyst for the Synthesis of 1,8-dioxodecahydroacridines. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2014, 35, 376, IF: 3.5.
41. A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Rahimizadeh, F. Moeinpour, H. Eshghi, M. Bakavoli. Polyphosphoric acid supported on silica-coated NiFe2O4 nanoparticles: An efficient and magnetically-recoverable catalyst for N-formylation of amines. Comptes Rendus Chimie 2014, 17, 459, IF: 1.9.
42. F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad. 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition of C-phenyl carbamoyl-N-phenyl nitrone with some dialkyl-substituted 2-benzylidenecyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates: theoretical analysis of mechanism and regioselectivity. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 2014, 11, 1459, IF: 1.4.
43.J. Tajabadi, M. Bakavoli, M. Gholizadeh, H. Eshghi, A. Khojastehnezhad. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reactions between ethyl diazoacetate and substituted alkynes: A density functional theory study. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism 2014, 39, 233, IF: 0.6.
44. F. Moeinpour, N. Dorostkar, A. Sardashti, A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Vafaei. Multicomponent preparation of 1-amidoalkyl-2-naphthols using silica-supported molybdenum oxide (MoO3/SiO2) as a mild and recyclable catalyst. Research on Chemical Intermediate 2013, 40, 3145, IF: 1.7.
45. A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, A.R. Shams. PPA-SiO2 Catalyzed One-pot Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydropyridines Under Solvent-free Conditions. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Meta Chemistry 2012, 42, 273, IF: 0.6.
46. S. Allameh, A. Davoodnia, A. Khojastehnezhad. An efficient and eco-friendly synthesis of 14-aryl-14Hdibenzo[a,j]xanthenes using H4[SiW12O40] as a heterogeneous and reusable catalyst under solvent-free conditions. Chinese Chemical Letters 2012, 23, 17, IF: 2.6.
47. M. Zeinali-Dastmalbaf, A. Davoodnia, M.M. Heravi, N. Tavakoli-Hoseini ,A. Khojastehnezhad, H.A. Zamani. Silica Gel-Supported Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA-SiO2) Catalyzed One-Pot Multi-Component Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones and -thiones: An Efficient Method for the Biginelli Reaction. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2012, 32, 656-658, IF: 0.6.
48. F. Moeinpour, A. Sardashti-Birjandi, N. Dorostkar-Ahmadi, A. Khojastehnezhad, F. S Mohseni-Shahri, SbCl3-SiO2 Catalyzed Simple and Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 1-Amidoalkyl-2-Naphthols Under Solvent-Free Conditions. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Meta Chemistry 2012, 42, 287, IF: 0.6.
49. A. Davoodnia, A. Khojastehnezhad. Carbon-based solid acid catalyzed synthesis of polyhydroquinoline derivatives via hantzsch reaction under solvent-free conditions. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 2012, 57, 1199, IF: 1.0.
50. F. Moeinpour, A. Khojastehnezhad. An Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 1,8-Dioxodecahydroacridines Using Silica-Supported Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA-SiO2) under Solvent-Free Conditions. Journal of Chemistry 2012, 9, 504, IF: 0.5.
51. A. Javid, A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Heravi, F.F. Bamoharram, Silica-supported preyssler nanoparticles catalyzed simple and efficient one-pot synthesis of 1, 8-dioxodecahydroacridines in aqueous media. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Meta Chemistry 2012, 42, 14, IF: 0.6.
52.A. Khojastehnezhad, F. Moeinpour, A. Davoodnia. PPA-SiO2 catalyzed efficient synthesis of polyhydroquinoline derivatives through Hantzsch multicomponent condensation under solvent-free conditions. Chinese Chemical Letters 2011, 22, 807, IF: 2.6.
53.A. Khojastehnezhad, A. Davoodnia, M. Bakavoli, N. Tavakoli-Hoseini, M. Zeinali-Dastmalbaf. Silica Gel-Supported Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA/SiO2): An Efficient and Reusable Heterogeneous Catalyst for Facile Synthesis of 14-Aryl-14H-dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes under Solvent-free Conditions. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2011, 29, 2421, IF: 2.4.
54. A. Davoodnia, A. Khojastehnezhad, M. Bakavoli, N. Tavakoli-Hoseini. SO3H-Functionalized Ionic Liquids: Green, Efficient and Reusable Catalysts for the Facile Dehydration of Aldoximes into Nitriles. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2011, 29, 297, IF: 2.4.
55.A. Davoodnia, A. Khojastehnezhad, N. Tavakoli-Hoseini. Carbon-Based Solid Acid as an Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for the Synthesis of 1,8-Dioxodecahydroacridines Under Solvent-Free Conditions. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2011, 32, 2243, IF: 0.6.
Editorial Board
Ph.D of Organic Chemistry
- publons.com/researcher/1409312/hoda-hamidi/
- hamidi_hodayahoo.com
- 00989215421974
- 0000-0002-5019-8591
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