Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.1 Original Article Photocatalytic degradation of malachite green dye under UV light irradiation using calcium-doped ceria nanoparticles Photocatalytic degradation of malachite green dye under UV light irradiation using calcium-doped ceria nanoparticles Amar Ibrahim A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya |Central Laboratory at Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Harara Hebatallah M. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Baqul Qamrah A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Abdul Qadir Mabroukah A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Altohami Fatima A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Ahwidi Mohammed M. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Abdalsamed Ihssin A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya Saleh Fatema A. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya 01 01 2020 3 1 1 14 22 06 2019 21 09 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

In this study, photocatalytic activity of Ca-doped ceria (CDC) for malachite green (MG) degradation was investigated. CDC was successfully synthesized via co-precipitation method using ammonium oxalate as a precipitating agent. CDC was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The band gap energy (Eg) of CDC was found to be 3.96 eV. In addition, the factors affecting the photodegradation of MG including; irradiation time, photocatalyst dosage, initial dye concentration, and solution temperature were studied. The results revealed that CDC could degrade approximately 93% of MG dye at the concentration of 6 mg/L, irradiation time of 90 min, photocatalyst dosage of 0.1 g, and solution temperature of 35 °C. The obtained results indicate that CDC is a promising material for the photocatalytic applications and can be used to eliminate very toxic dyes such as MG.

dye photodegradation Nanostructured materials doped ceria catalyst Semiconductor Optical properties
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.2 Short communication Antifungal activity of biosynthesized CuO nanoparticles using leaves extract of Moringa oleifera and their structural characterizations Antifungal activity of biosynthesized CuO nanoparticles using leaves extract of Moringa oleifera and their structural characterizations Pagar Khanderao Department of Chemistry, KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerce and SPHJ Science College, Chandwad, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra 423 101, India Ghotekar Suresh Department of Chemistry, Sanjivani Arts, Commerce and Science College, Kopargaon 423 603, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India Pagar Trupti Department of Chemistry, G.M.D Arts, B.W Commerce and Science College, Sinnar, 422 103, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India Nikam Amol Department of Chemistry, GMV Science College, Tala 402 111, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Pansambal Shreyas Department of Chemistry, S.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce and B.N.S. Science College, Sangamner 422 605, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India Oza Rajeshwari Department of Chemistry, S.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce and B.N.S. Science College, Sangamner 422 605, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India Sanap Dnyaneshwar Department of Chemistry, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Dindori 422 202, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India Dabhane Harshal Department of Chemistry, S.N. Arts, D.J.M. Commerce and B.N.S. Science College, Sangamner 422 605, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India 01 01 2020 3 1 15 23 14 06 2019 15 07 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuONPs) were synthesized using Moringa oleifera leaf extract via a simple green chemistry approach. The prepared CuONPs were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV-DRS), and photoluminescence (PL) analysis. The CuONPs showed antifungal activity against Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus clavatus, Trichophyton mentographytes, and Epidermophyton floccosum. The results revealed the successful synthesis of CuONPs by simple green chemistry approach may provide a useful tool in the field of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology CuO NPs Antifungal activity Moringa oleifera Photoluminescence
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.3 Review Article Magnetic nanoparticles - a promising tool for targeted drug delivery system Magnetic nanoparticles - A promising tool for targeted drug delivery system Amin Prakruti Prakruti Amin, Sal Institute of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics Dept. Nr. Science City, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-India Patel Manish Manish Patel L.M.College of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics Dept. Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-Gujarat-India 01 01 2020 3 1 24 37 30 11 2018 19 05 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Over the last decade, nanotechnology has brought great development in the biomedical field. This study reviewed some physical and chemical characteristic of magnetic nanoparticles that are crucial for medical applications. Advances in preparation of magnetic nanoparticles have some superior applications in hyperthermia, magnetic drug delivery, gene delivery, and magnetic resonance imaging. It was found that, the bio-distribution, pharmacokinetic, and biocompatibility magnetic nanoparticles can be affected by their physicochemical properties, size, shape, and surface chemistry.

Magnetic nanoparticles Biomedical Hyperthermia Gene delivery
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.4 Short communication Bio-synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles using neem leaf cake extract and its influence in the agronomical traits of vigna mungo plant Bio-synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles using neem leaf cake extract and its influence in the agronomical traits of vigna mungo plant Radhakrishnan Ramesh Department of Physics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India Lakshmi Dhanaraj Department of Physics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India Ali Khan Faize Liakath Department of Physics, Islamiah College (Autonomous), Vaniyambadi, Vellore Ramalingam Gopal Quantum Materials Research Lab (QMRL), Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi - 630003, Tamil Nadu, India Kaviyarasu Kasinathan Nanoscience’s/Nanotechnology Laboratories, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa (UNISA), Muckleneuk Ridge, P O Box 392, Pretoria, South Africa|Nanoscience ’s African Network (NANOAFNET), Materials Research Group (MRG), iThemba LABS - National Research Foundation (NRF), Old Faure Road, 7129, P O Box 722, Somerset West, Western Cape Province, Cape Town, South Africa 01 01 2020 3 1 38 46 05 06 2019 08 10 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

In this work reports the synthesis of iron oxide along with the complex formation from the neem cake using the biosynthesis and precipitation method. Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) and sodium hydroxide were used as the precursor precipitating agent, respectively. The resultant specimens were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), ultra-violet visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), soil test, biochemical, and phytochemical analysis. To test the effect of the synthesized specimen as the nanofertilizer in the seed germination and the growth, the sample was incorporated in to the red soil and the agronomical traits including plant height. Number of leaves were studied over a survival period of 75 days of the selected plant species vigna mungo using POT analysis. The plant samples were harvested, and then the biochemical and phytochemical studies were carried out for alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, steroids, protein and total chlorophyll content. The results showed that the nanoparticles incorporation enhanced the plant growth and increased the concentration of the bioactive compounds in an appreciable level.

Biosynthesis Neem cake Biochemical Phytochemical Morphological studies
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.5 Short communication Influence of atomizing voltage on fluorine doped tin oxide via spray pyrolysis technique Influence of atomizing voltage on fluorine doped tin oxide via spray pyrolysis technique Agbim Ebube G. Department of Physics And Industrial Physics, Faculty of Physical Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Ikhioya Imosobomeh L. Department of Physics And Industrial Physics, Faculty of Physical Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka|Crystal Growth and Material Science Laboratory/Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Ekpunobi Azibuike J. Department of Physics And Industrial Physics, Faculty of Physical Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka 01 01 2020 3 1 47 57 20 05 2019 27 10 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Synthesis and characterization fluorine-doped tin oxide thin film using spray pyrolysis were coated on a glass substrate by varying the atomizing voltage. The XRD analysis was carried out and the results showed that the deposited films are polycrystalline in nature having the characteristic peaks of tetragonal structure of SnO2. The observed peaks are (110), (101), (200), (211) and the preferential growth was found to be (110) direction. The I/V plots of the material deposited with 3.8 kV, 4.0 kV and 4.2 kV, which represent sample FT1-FT3 showed a non-linear plot and observed to be a non Ohmic semiconducting material. It was also noticed that as the atomizing voltage of the depositing material increases the thickness of the films increases. The resistivity of the material deposited increases and decreases at 4.0 kV as the atomizing voltage and thickness of the films increases. The electrical conductivity of the material deposited increases with respect to the atomizing voltage and thickness, respectively. It was observed that as the optical absorbance and reflectance decreased the wavelength of the incident radiation and transmittance enhanced as the wavelength of the incident radiation increased and the band gap energy of the films were observed to be at the range of 2.70-3.10 eV.

spray pyrolysis Fluorine Tin Oxide XRD Optical properties
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.6 Original Article Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using leaf and bark extract of indian plant carissa carandas, characterization and antimicrobial activity Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using leaf and bark extract of indian plant carissa carandas, characterization and antimicrobial activity Manjare Satish B. Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, P-61, MIDC-Mirjole, Ratnagiri 415639. M.S. India Sharma Sandip G. Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, P-61, MIDC-Mirjole, Ratnagiri 415639. M.S. India Gurav Vijay L. Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, P-61, MIDC-Mirjole, Ratnagiri 415639. M.S. India Kunde Mamata R. Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, P-61, MIDC-Mirjole, Ratnagiri 415639. M.S. India Patil Sneha S. Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, P-61, MIDC-Mirjole, Ratnagiri 415639. M.S. India Thopate Shankar R. Department of Chemistry, Shree Sadguru Gangageer Maharaj Science Gautam Arts & Sanjivani Commerce College, Kopargaon, Dist-Ahmednagar 423601, M.S. India 01 01 2020 3 1 58 66 27 07 2019 30 10 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Biosynthesized silver nanoparticle is a very expanding and useful area. The reductant material in the plant extracts (leaves and bark) of Carissa carandas can produce silver nanoparticles. The plant leaves and bark extract of Carissa caranadas act as reducing and capping agent. Conventionally, chemical reduction is the most frequently applied approach for preparation of metallic nanoparticles; however, it might be hazardous to environment. In the present work we report eco-friendly, cost effective, and green approach for the synthesis of AgNPs by using 0.02 M AgNO3 solution and plant extracts (leaves and bark) of Carissa caranadas as reducing and capping agent. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using UV-VIS spectrophotomer, XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM, and ICP-AES analysis. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles showed a comparable antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Aspergillus niger. Antimicrobial activity of the biosynthesized silver nanoparticles suggests their possible application in medical and pharmaceuticals industry.

Green synthesis Silver nanoparticles UV-Visible Spectrophotometer FT-IR ICP-AES Antimicrobial activity
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.7 Original Article Computational approach of palladium (II) complex ions with binuclear diamine ligands thermo-physical, chemical, and biological properties: a dft study Computational approach of palladium (II) complex ions with binuclear diamine ligands thermo-physical, chemical, and biological properties: a dft study Islam Mohammad Jahidul Department of Physics, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh Paul Sunanda Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong,Hathazari-4334, Bangladesh Kumer Ajoy Department of Chemistry, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh Sarker Md Nuruzzaman Department of Physics, European University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh 01 01 2020 3 1 67 81 30 08 2019 16 11 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Incomputational chemistry through various basis sets, it is possible to design new molecules and discuss their use through their physical, chemical, biochemical studies. Chemical activity, biological activity, physical chemical activities can be diagnosed using density functional theory (DFT) for some palladium (II) complex ions. In this research study, the optimized dihydrazine palladium (II) complex ion (L01), di(1, 2- diaminemethane) palladium (II) complex ion (L02), di(1, 2- diamineethane) palladium (II) complex ion (L03), and di (1, 2- diamine propane) palladium (II) complex ion (L04) were simulated. Finally a comparative study of the palladium (II) complex ions were designed to show what ions are biologically more active using their QSAR data and orbital diagrams for HOMO and LUMO of the study of electronic properties. The HOMO-LUMO gap was also evaluated for chemical reactivity. The PIC50 value was calculated using the QSAR data where the value ​​of L01, L02, and L03 L04 where -15.757, 13.128, -6.111 and -5.955, respectively. If PIC50 is below -6, then the compound is said to be biologically active. It was found that, the L04 is highly biological active and L03 is almost similar to L04. Also, by enhancing the methyl group in palladium chain, the biological activity increased.

Palladium (II) DFT QSAR HOMO LUMO Vibrational spectroscopy Electronic spectroscopy
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Asian J. Nanosci. Mater. Sami Publishing Company (SPC) Asian Journal of Nanosciences and Materials 2645-775X Sami Publishing Company (SPC) 327 10.26655/AJNANOMAT.2020.1.8 Original Article An innovative approach delivery of anticonvulsant via transcranial route using a smart bio-functional agent cum musa acuminata An innovative approach delivery of anticonvulsant via transcranial route using a smart bio-functional agent cum musa acuminata Madhav Satheesh Faculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Mussoorie diversion Road, Dehradun-248009, Uttarakhand, India Dewari Abhinav Faculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Mussoorie diversion Road, Dehradun-248009, Uttarakhand, India Tyagi Yogita Faculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Mussoorie diversion Road, Dehradun-248009, Uttarakhand, India 01 01 2020 3 1 82 92 25 05 2019 26 11 2019 Copyright © 2020, Sami Publishing Company (SPC). 2020

Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder (neurological disorder) in which the nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing unprovoked, recurrent seizures or unusual behavior, sensations or even unconsciousness. In this research work, Pregablin selected as a molecule for designing a emulgel using novel bio-functional agent and compared with standard polymer. This can be overcome by minimizing the dose and side-effects of API molecule used for various routes. The Pregablin loaded emulgel was prepared using novel bio-functional agent isolated from fruit pulp of Musa acuminata and with standard polymer (sodium alginate) with different ratios. The prepared formulations were evaluated for pH stability studies, % entrapment efficacy, in-vitro drug release and stability studies. The prepared emulgel was subjected to the best formulation based on comparison of above mentioned evaluation parameters, FM2 formulation was found to be the best formulation showing an R2 value of 0.9487, T50% of 23.52 h and T80% of 60.22 h respectively. According to the release kinetics, the best fit model was Peppas Korsmeyer with Fickian Diffusion (Higuchi Matrix) as the mechanism of drug release. Musa acuminata provided the excellent stability for the formulation. The results revealed that, uaing Musa acuminata as bio-functional agent was safe and compatible with drug, so Pregablin loaded emulgel can be more affective for brain targeting upon trans-cranial administration.

Bio-functional agent Emulgel Epilepsy Musa acuminata Pregablin
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