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Electrochemical reduction of CO2 using cuprous oxide particles supported on carbon paper substrate 2 2 Electrochemical reduction of CO2 is so important in mitigating the greenhouse related environmental concerns. Recently, oxidized forms of metals instead of pure metals have gained a great deal of attention due to the difference in product selection between the two classes of electrode materials. Since copper has been widely used in producing carbon-intensive products, various studies have been dedicated to evaluate its oxidized form. In this research study, we focused on using cuprous oxide particles supported on hydrophobic carbon paper substrate. The structure of the carbon paper provides unique reaction sites while the micron-sized particles can help to provide new insight about using smaller surface area to volume ratio as compared to previous reports on oxidized copper nanoparticles. Formic acid, ethylene, and CO were produced as a result of our experiments which show improved product selection compared with the pure copper nanoparticles. The potential and time dependence of these products are presented in this study along with a discussion on the origin of CO2 reduction. 1 - 93 102 - - Fahd Khan Department of Advance Interdisciplinary Studies, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan Department of Advance Interdisciplinary Studies, Japan fahdskhan@yahoo.com - - Masakazu Sugiyama Department of Advance Interdisciplinary Studies, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan Department of Advance Interdisciplinary Studies, Japan sugiyama@sogo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp - - Katsushi Fujii Nakamura Laboratory, Research Cluster for Innovation, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan Nakamura Laboratory, Research Cluster for Japan fujii@riken.jp - - Yoshiaki Nakano Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan Department of Electrical Engineering, School Japan nakano@hotaka.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp CO2 reduction Electrocatalysis Cuprous oxide Ethylene Formic acid [1]. 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Biosynthesis of calcium oxide nanoparticles using Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf extracts and screening its antimicrobial activity 2 2 In this study, waste egg scale and inexpensive biowaste were employed to remove calcium ions. The potential of egg scales for removal of calcium ions from aqueous solutions was investigated. Preparation of calcinated egg shell powder, tulsi leaf extract, nanoparticle, and growth of bacteria were done to study biosynthesis of calcium oxide nanoparticle onto waste egg scales. Development of green nanotechnology has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers towards eco-friendly biosynthesis of nanoparticle. In this study, biosynthesis of stable calcium nanoparticles was conducted using tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf extract. These biosynthesized nanoparticles were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The results revealed that, O.sanctum leaf extract can reduce Ca-ions into calcium oxide nanoparticles within 40 min of reaction time. It was found that, this method can be used for rapid and eco-friendly biosynthesis of stable calcium oxide nanoparticles with the size ranging from 40 to 70 nm. 1 - 115 120 - - Vijay L. Gurav Department of Chemistry K.C. College,Charchgate, Mumbai Maharashtra (India)-400020 Department of Chemistry K.C. College,Charchgate, India vlgurav83@gmail.com - - Rajesh A. Samant Department of Chemistry K.C. College,Charchgate, Mumbai Maharashtra (India)-400020 Department of Chemistry K.C. College,Charchgate, India rajesh.samant@kccollege.edu.in - - Satish B. Manjare Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, University of Mumbai P-61 MIDC Mirjole Ratnagiri (M. S.) India 415639 Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, India satish.manjare@rediffmail.com - - Urmila K. Patil Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, University of Mumbai P-61 MIDC Mirjole Ratnagiri (M. S.) India 415639 Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, India ukpatil@gmail.com - - Sana R. Solkar Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, University of Mumbai P-61 MIDC Mirjole Ratnagiri (M. S.) India 415639 Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, India sana.solkar@gmail.com - - Shivani S. Moghe Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, University of Mumbai P-61 MIDC Mirjole Ratnagiri (M. S.) India 415639 Department of Chemistry, Ratnagiri Sub-centre, India shivanimoghe19@gmail.com Calcium oxide Ocimum sanctum Antimicrobial activity [1]. Mansoori G.A., Soelaiman T.A.F. Nanotechnology, 2005, 2:1##[2]. Rajput N. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 2015, 7:1806##[3]. Kulkarni V.D., Kulkarni P.S. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2013, 1:1##[4]. Tsai W.T., Yang J.M., Lai C.W., Cheng Y.H., Lin C.C., Yeh C.W. Bioresour Technol., 2006,97:488##[5]. Park H.J., Jeong S.W., Yang J.K., Kim B.G., Lee S.M. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19:1436##[6]. Turxer-graff B.Y.R. J. Gen. Microbiol., 2019, 7:31##
In vitro bio-synthesis of silver nanoparticles using flower extract of parasitic plant Cascuta reflexa and evaluation of its biological properties 2 2 This paper deals with the rapid photosensitized biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of flowers of Cascuta reflexa. The reaction was carried out in ambient sunlight. The mixing of aqueous solution of silver nitrate and the flower extract shows color transitions from yellow to light brown and finally dark brown colour, indicating the formation of silver nanoparticles. As synthesized the nanoparticles were characterized by various techniques such as UV visible spectroscopy, XRD, FT-IR, TEM. The TEM analysis revealed that the particles were predominantly spherical and size ranging from 20 to 50 nm. The antioxidant properties were tested by FR AP assay method. The antibacterial properties of synthesized Nanoparticles were tested against pathogens such. P.aeruginosa, E.coli, B. subtilus and S.aureus. 1 - 121 130 - - Nida S.Shaikh Department of Chemistry, Govt.Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati-444604, India Department of Chemistry, Govt.Vidarbha Institute India nid.aafr@gmail.com - - Rahimullah S.Shaikh Department of Chemistry, Govt.Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati-444604, India Department of Chemistry, Govt.Vidarbha Institute India - - Sahebrao Kashid Department of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Homi Bhabha State University, Mumbai-400032, Mumbai Department of Chemistry, Institute of Science, India kashids76@gmail.com Silver nanoparticles Photosensitized biosynthesis aqueous extract of flowers of Cascuta reflexa antimicrobial testing FRAP assay [1]. Rautela A., Rani J., Debnath M. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 2019, 5:10##[2]. Ramteke C., Chakrabarti T., Sarangi B.K., Pandey R.A., Journal of Chemistry Materials Letters, 2013, 67:91##[3].Ahmed S., Ikram S. Open Access Journal, 2014, 6:1000309##[4]. Banasiuk R., Krychowiak M., Swigon D., Tomaszewicz W., Michalak A., Chylewska A., Ziabka M., Lapinsk M., Koscielsk B. Arabian Journal of Chem., 2017, 13:1415##[5]. Singh A., Jain D., Upadhyay M.K., Khandelwala N., Verma H. J. Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2019, 5:483##[6]. Suwan T., Wanachantararak P., Khongkhunthian S. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutic., 2018,12:259##[7]. Ciesla L., Kowalska I., Oleszek W., Stochmal A. Phytochem Anal., 2013, 24:47##[8]. Kharissova O.V., Dias H.V., Kharisov B.I., Perez B.O. Trends Biotechnol., 2013, 31:240##[9]. Saini P., Mithal R., Menghanu E. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2015, 6:25##[10]. Rai D.K., Sharma V., Pal K., Gupta R.K. International Journal., 2016, 3:428##[11]. Dubey M., Bhadauria S., Sharma V.K., Katoch V.M. International Journal of Green Nanotechnology., 2012, 4:174##[12]. Pathak R.S., Hendre A.S., Der Pharmacia letter., 2015, 7:313##[13]. Lakshmanan G., Sathiyaselan A., Kalaichelvan P.T., Murugesank., Karbal International Journal of Modern Science., 2018, 4:61##[14]. Kothekar D. International Journal of Pharma and Bioscieces, 2017, 8:202##[15]. Saxena A., Tripathi R.M., Zafar F., Singh P. Materials Letters, 2012, 67:91##[16]. Shaikh R., Syed I. Asian Journal of Green Chemistry, 2019, 3:17##[17]. Pavani K.V., Gayathramma K., Banerjee A., Shah S. American J. of Nanomaterials, 2013, 1:5##[18]. Pagadala S.R., Redappa M., Harini S.S., Tenkayala S.R., Gangadhara R. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 2018, 8:301##[19]. Duraisamy K., Jung H.H.,Whoa S.P., Seok M.L., Wahab R., Arabian Journal of Chemistry., 2014, 12:1722##[20]. Arun S., Saraswathi U., Singaravelu. International J. of Pharmaceutical Science, 2014, 3:54##[21]. Lin P.C., Lin S., Wang, P.C. Biotechnol. Adv., 2016, 32:711##[22]. Raut R.W., Kolekar N.S., Lakkakula J.R., Mendhulkar V.D., Sahebrao B.K. Nano Lett., 2010, 2:106##[23]. Solomani R., Montemor A.F., Rinaldi B.G., Nanotechnology Sci. And Applications., 2017, 10:115##[24]. Kim S.H., Lee S.H., Ryu D.S., Choi S.J., Lee D.S. Korean J. of Microbial and Biotechnology, 2011, 39:77##[25]. Patil S., Sivaraj R., Venckatesh R., Vanathi P., Rajiv P. International Journal of Current Research., 2015,7:21539##[26]. Ponaruselvam S., Paneerselvam C., Murugan K., Aarthi N., Kalimuthu K., and Thangamani S. Don Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2012, 2:574##[27]. Selvi K.V., SivaKumar T. International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014, 1:105##
Efficient production of 2-amino-4H-chromenes and 14-aryl-14H-dibenzo[a, j]xanthenes catalyzed by N, N-diethyl-N-sulfoethanaminium hydrogen sulfate 2 2 In this study, acidic ionic liquid N, N-diethyl-N-sulfoethanaminium hydrogen sulfate {[Et3N-SO3H]HSO4} was utilized to promote two classes of useful organic transformations under solvent-free conditions including, i) the condensation of arylaldehydes with malononitrile and 1-naphthol, leading to 2-amino-4H-chromenes, and ii) the condensation reaction of arylaldehydes with 2-naphthol to give 14-aryl-14H-dibenzo[a, j]xanthenes. 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