Synergistic effect of liquid crystals on the additive performance of poly acrylate in lubricating oilMahuaUpadhyayNatural Product and Polymer Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,
University of North Bengal, Darjeeling-734013, India.authorMalay KumarDasDepartment of Physics, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling-734013, India.authorRDąbrowskiInstitute of Chemistry, Military University of Technology, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland.authorPranabGhoshNatural Product and Polymer Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,
University of North Bengal, Darjeeling-734013, India.authortextarticle2019engMultifunctional additive performance of poly acrylate in presence of selective liquid crystal structures were evaluated by standard ASTM methods. Homopolymer of mixed acrylate (octyl, decyl and dodecyl) was synthesised and characterized by thermo gravimetric, spectroscopy and viscometric methods. Additive performances of the polymer were evaluated as viscosity modifier (VM), thickening agent (TA), pour point depressant (PPD) and anti wear (AW) additive. Physical blend of the polymer with six different types of liquid crystals (LC) were also made and evaluated for their performance. The results indicated that all the LC-blended samples act as better VM, PPD, along with excellent AW and thickening performance compare to the pure polymer sample.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019257270 and characterization of CaO catalyst obtained from achatina achatina and its application in biodiesel productionOluwatobi O.AmusanDepartment of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, NigeriaauthorHitlerLouisCAS Key Laboratory for Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication, CAS Centre for Excellence in Nanoscience, National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaauthorAdejoke T.HamzatDepartment of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, NigeriaauthorAmusanOluwatobi OmotolaDepartment of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, IlorinauthorOluwatomisinOyebanjiDepartment of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, NigeriaauthorAyodeji T.AlagbeDepartment of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, NigeriaauthorThomas O.MaguCAS Key Laboratory for Green Printing, Institute of Chemistry, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190 Beijing, Chinaauthortextarticle2019engIn this research study, Achatina achatinashells was used as the source of raw material to produce calcium oxide which was used as a catalyst in the production of biodiesel. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of varying temperatures on the calcium oxide formed using A. achatina during the calcination process for their possible use as a heterogeneous catalyst in the production of biodiesel. The shells were first grinded and then calcinated at different temperatures ranging from 0 °C to 1000 °C. After calcination, the CaCO3 present in the A. achatinashell was converted to calcium oxide. The obtained calcium oxide was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The asymmetric stretching of the CO32- (cm-1) absorption was not proportional with the increasing temperature as it was observed over the plane vibrational modes of CO32-(cm-1). Also, the O-Hstretching band (cm-1) at 100 °C and 800 °C had similar absorption values. Pearson correlation revealed both negative and positive relationship between the absorption rate and the temperature, disclosed a significant difference at pA. achatina shell is a suitable catalyst in the production of Biodiesel because it is readily available and has no adverse effect on the environment.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019271277 decomposition of ammonium perchlorate-commercial nano-TiO2 mixed powderMostafaMahinroostaSchool of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technologyauthortextarticle2019engThermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate was improved via addition of transition metals and metal oxides. This work investigates the thermal decomposition of the ammonium perchlorate under the catalytic effect of the commercial nano-TiO2 (nTiO2). Characterization of nTiO2 showed that its average particle size ranged from 10 to 25 nm with a relatively spherical morphology. Ammonium perchlorate and nTiO2 mixes were prepared by adding three different nTiO2 mass fractionsof 1, 2, and 3 wt% to pure ammonium perchlorate. The results of thermogravimetry analysis revealed that the addition of nTiO2 to pure ammonium perchlorate resulted in a significant decline in its decomposition temperature. The most observed decrease in the decomposition temperature was 61 °C resulted from the addition of 3 wt.% nTiO2.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019278285 of different manganese oxide structures via controlling the concentration and the type of the alkaline mediaSamerSaidEgyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, EgyptauthorMaryRiadEgyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, EgyptauthorSaraMikhailEgyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Egyptauthortextarticle2019engBirnessite and manganite materials were prepared using a simple precipitation process in an alkaline medium. Potassium hydroxide and tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAH) used as the precipitating agents. Different techniques such as XRD, DSC, TGA, FT-IR, TEM and N2 adsorption analyses were employed to characterize the prepared samples. The results revealed that the formed phase in the prepared sample is dependent on the concentration of the precipitating agent. In addition, the XRD results showed the formation of various phases through controlling the concentration of the precipitating agent. Pure phase of birnessite produced in the high alkaline medium, and manganite (γ-MnOOH) at relatively low alkalinity. The samples prepared by using TEAH were well crystalline compared with the analogue one prepared by KOH. The obtained results elaborated the role of TEAH in directing the order of the particles during the preparation step.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019286300 and oligodynamic effect of bio-synthesized silver nanoparticles from plant residue of Artocarpus altilis and its spectroscopic analysisVasanthNayagamDepartment of Botany, Alagappa University, Science Block, Karaikudi-630 003, IndiaauthorKumaravelPalanisamyDepartment of Biotechnology, Vysya College, Salem- 636 103.Tamil Nadu, IndiaauthorDonsThiraviadossDepartment of Biotechnology, Vysya College, Salem- 636 103.Tamil Nadu, Indiaauthortextarticle2019engThe medicinal plant residue obtained to synthesis AgNPs is the thrust area of research today. The present research work emphasis on the AgNPs synthesized from a medicinal plant residue Artocarpus altilis whose secondary metabolites bear responsible for the confined size of the AgNPs. Further, the AgNPs were analyzed for Physico-chemical analysis, where FT-IR Peak value gives the functional groups of A. altilis. FESEM analyses show surface morphology with 44 nm. EDAX analyses of show metal precursor involved in the process. XRD patterns show the crystalline structure. The AgNPs was analysised for the antibacterial assay against five human pathogens. Finally, cyto-toxic activity of AgNPs was analyzed with two human cancer cell lines namely MCF 7 lung cancer cell line and A549 breast cancer cell line. Hence, the novel and eco-friendly AgNPs are safe with its biocompatibility which becomes a promising agent in the biomedical precisely.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019301313 smart spproach for delivering of nanosized olanzapine using piper betel biopolymer rate controlling flexi films for transvermillion deliveryNookala Venkala SatheeshMadhavFaculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Mussorie diversion road, Makkawala Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 248001authorBhavanaSinghFaculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Mussorie diversion road, Makkawala Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 248001authortextarticle2019engThe aim of the study was to prepare and characterize the nanosize drug loaded bio-flexi films using the novel bioexcipient isolated from the fresh leaves of the piper betle (bioexcipient P) and to explore the potentiality of the lip skin as a novel transvermillion drug delivery system. The bioexcipient prepared using a simplified economical process and was subjected to various physiochemical evaluations along with the spectral analysis including UV, FT-IR, SEM, Mass and 1H NMR. The nanosized bioflexi film formulated with the novel bioexcipient was screened for its functional properties, such as including filmability. Nanosized olanzapine loaded bioflexi films were formulated by using bioexcipient P as a film former and dextrose as a flexicizer. The formulated nanosized bioflexi films were subjected to various tests such as evaluating the, thickness, folding endurance, swelling index and in vitro release. The size of the nanoparticle was found to be 100 nm. The release of the nanosized olanzapine was maintained over 48 h, which was confirmed in in vitro release experiment. The results revealed that this biopolymer had a promising filmability and bioadhesivity. The formulated nanosized bioflexi films are feasible for delivering the olanzapine by transvermillion administration and for drugs that undergo first-pass metabolism.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019314326 film formulation for delivery of tiagabine via oro trans-soft palatal route and its in-vitro stability study approachSugandhaVarshneyFaculty of Pharmacy, Dit University, Dehradun, 248001, IndiaauthorNookala VenkalaSatheesh MadhavFaculty of Pharmacy, Dit University, Dehradun, 248001, Indiaauthortextarticle2019engThe aim of research work was to formulate bio-flexy films using a novel biopolymer isolated from Rosa polyanthapetals containing tiagabine as a model drug. The soft palate drug delivery helps bypass first-pass metabolism in the liver and pre-systemic elimination in the gastrointestinal tract gets avoided. Tiagabine, anticonvulsant drug possesses t1/2:7-9 hours (low); protein binding: 96%; water solubility: 22mg/L enhances acts as selective GABA reuptake inhibitor. Side effects include abdominal pain, pharyngitis, suicidal thoughts and sudden unexpected death. Rosa polyantha biopolymer used as bio-excipient due to its biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity, non-reactiveness on soft palatal surface. Physicochemical characterization of biopolymer displayed inbuilt filmability, mucoadhesivity properties. Bio-flexy films were prepared by solvent casting technique. Formulations containing different ratios of nanosized Tiagabine: Rosa polyantha biopolymer (1:0.5, 1:1; 1:3, 1:5, 1:6, 1:10) (FRT1-FRT6) were prepared and compared with nanosized Tiagabine loaded Sodium CMC standard flexy films (FET1-FET6). The percentage yield of Rosa polyantha biopolymer was found to be 2.24±0.01%. Evaluation parameters for formulations revealed Thickness of nanosized Tiagabine loaded bio-flexy films containing Rosa polyantha biopolymer (FRT1-FRT6): 0.027 mm±0.005 to 0.039±0.004 mm, Folding Endurance: 83-130, Surface pH: 7.00±0.04 to 7.00±0.01, Weight Uniformity: 0.008±0.05 to 0.044±0.03, Drug Content Uniformity: 85.6%±0.48 to 94.8%±0.37, Swelling Percentage: 66%±0.2 to 75%±0.1, Percentage Moisture Uptake (PTU): 2.5%±0.14 to 3.8%±0.10. Mucoadhesivity: 90-1440 mins, Mucoretentivity: 110-240 mins. Drug release pattern for formulations FRT1-FRT6 containing Rosa polyantha biopolymer based on the T50% and T80% was found to be FRT5 (1:6) > FRT4 (1:5) > FRT6 (1:10) > FRT1 (1:0.5)> FRT3 (1:3) > FRT2 (1:1). Based on all above mentioned evaluation parameters, FRT5 (containing Tiagabine: Rosa polyantha biopolymer (1:6)) bio-flexy film having R2= 0.9295, Higuchi Matrix as best fit model, follows Fickian Diffusion (Higuchi Matrix) release mechanism, T50%: 7hrs., T80%: 30 hrs. using BITS Software 1.12 was found to be Best formulation.Asian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019327349 study on the benzoic acid in water+methanol systems at different solution temperaturesNarasimhaRaghavendraDepartment of Chemistry, K.L.E. society's P. C. Jabin Science College (Autonomous) Vidyanagar, Hubballi-580031authortextarticle2019engThis research article explores the results of the ion-solvent interaction with the aid of electrical conductivity law of benzoic acid in triple distilled water and different amounts of methanol at 293 K, 303 K, 313 K, and 323 K. The specific conductance obtained from the conductivity meter was examined using Shedlovsky and Kraus-Bray plots. The limiting molar conductance ) values obtained using the Shedlovsky and Kraus-Bray models. values obtained from theShedlovsky and Kraus-Bray models were found to be in good agreement with each other. The association constant (Ka) values obtained from the Shedlovsky plots, whereas dissociation constant (Kd) values obtained from the Kraus-Bray plots. The thermodynamic parameters such as activation energy (Ea), free energy of adsorption (∆Ga), adsorption enthalpy (∆Ha) and adsorption entropy (∆Sa) values are evaluated in order to study the nature of ion-solvent interaction. The negative ∆Ga values showed the spontaneous ion-pair association processAsian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2
2019350355 approaches of treatment via ocusert drug deliveryDeepikaSharmaFaculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Makkawala P.O. Bhagwantpur, Dehradun, India, 248009authorShubhamTyagiFaculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Makkawala P.O. Bhagwantpur, Dehradun, India, 248009authorBhavnaKumarFaculty of Pharmacy, DIT University, Makkawala P.O. Bhagwantpur, Dehradun, India, 248009authortextarticle2019engOcuserts or ophthalmic inserts are “Sterile preparation in the form of solid or semisolid, whose size and shape are specially designed to be applied to the eyes”. The most frequently used dosage forms (ophthalmic solutions and suspensions) are compromised in their effectiveness by several limitations, leading to poor ocular bioavailability. By utilization of the principles of the controlled release as embodied by ocular inserts offers an irritable approach to the problem of prolonging pre-corneal drug residence times. The controlled ocular drug delivery systems increased the efficiency of the drug by enhancing absorption increasing contact time of drug and by reducing drug wastage to the absorption site. Ocuserts were prepared using the solvent casting method. The article discusses about the various structure of the eye, its anatomy with an explanatory diagram. Also, various mechanisms of drug diffusion into an eye with special attention to biological/clinical performances, and potential applications and developments were discussedAsian Journal of Nanosciences and MaterialsSami Publishing Company (SPC)2645-775X2